

Schemi Trasformazione
Spray Paint Booths conversion
Which one is less expensive
“water wash” or …

Running Costs Reduction

In this table, at side here, are summarized, in the left column, the running costs to be taken into account for a water wash booth..
In the right column the running costs for a dry booth.
Values are for a specific case, they cannot be taken as always true.

Running costs are to be calculated for any single booth and are based upon the Painting Parameters..
Savings vary from 0,175 euro to 0,50 euro per kilo of paint sprayed.
This comes from the average of thousands of booths converted in Italy and in the world by means of "raccogliverncie©" .
One of the main reasons is the reduction of wastes:
only dry matter contained in the ovesrpray, for dry booths; dry matter plus water for water wash booths.
Sludge has not less of 50% of water inside and up to 80% and more.
Furthermore dry wastes are far less dangerous then liquid wastes..
Purchasing price......................................3.750.00
Labor for Sludge removalhi.................. 1.440.00
Sludges disposal....................................... 1.035.00
Dry Drawer-Filters...................................... 900.00
• Labor for dry Filters change................495.00
• Water Basin cleanup
(at least once a year)................................... 400.00
• DryFilters disposal................................... 225.00
Water Pump Electric Energy .................. 184.00
Flocculanti..................................................... 173.50
• Waters disposal......................................... 100.00

Total without Sinking Fund........... 4.952.50
Sinking Fund (10 years)............................ 375.00
Total yearly Cost................................... 5.327.50
Cost per hour..................................................... 2.90
Cost per kilo of Paint sprayed..................... 0.463

Calculations are based upon the following Painting Parameters:
- Paint Spray Booth size: 2x1,8 m
-50 kg/day with 60% dry matter of Paint sprayed in 8 hours
-1,840 hours/year
-OverSpray 25%
Purchasing price.....................................2.000.00
Cost raccoglivernice©.............................1.548.00
Filters disposal............................................ 544.50
Labor for dry Filters change................... 360.00

Total without Sinking Fund...... 2.452.50
Sinking Fund (10 years)....................... 200.00
Total yearly Cost............................... 2.652.50
Cost per hour................................................. 1.42
Cost per kilo of Paint sprayed................ 0.231
Via Rubens, 23 • 20148 Milano • Italy
Tel_+39 02 487 06 103 •
Fax_+39 02 487 05 893
Water Wash Booth
Booth converted into Dry Filtration by means of raccoglivernice© (paintcollectors)